Shree Ajit

At Shree Ajit Pulp and Paper Limited ("Shree Ajit"), the confidentiality of personal information on Website users is a top priority. The following statement describes the measures taken by Shree Ajit to ensure that your privacy is not infringed as a result of our collection and use of such personal information. It will allow you to better understand when, how and why this information is collected. As this document will occasionally be updated, we recommend that you consult it regularly. To receive one or more of our publications or newsletters, you must complete the appropriate forms, which include contact information that will make it possible for us to send you the requested documents or contact you in the event of a problem. Shree Ajit will not use your personal information for any purposes other than those described in this statement without having obtained your express consent. Furthermore, this information will not be available to any other entity or person other than Shree Ajit. Shree Ajit will obtain your consent before making any changes to the present privacy statement that would result in sharing or further use of your personal information. You may also, at any time, ask Shree Ajit to not make use of or to cease using your personal information. Shree Ajit reserves the right, however, to disclose information on the users of its site in any circumstances.
